Occupational Therapy

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy can help children understand and work with their bodies so they can perform the basic life skills and tasks required at home and school. Building and strengthening foundation skills such as handwriting, cutting, tying shoelaces, self-care (dressing, feeding and toileting), concentration, attention, coordination, balance and movement allows your child to get the most they can from their learning environment.

How can occupational therapy help?

Paediatric Occupational therapy is about enhancing your child’s skills so they can fully participate in everyday life. Every child is different, and the goals will depend on their individual needs. A Paediatic Occupational Therapist will address the following areas:

  • Fine motor skills – synchronisation of hands and fingers with the eyes for activities such as handwriting, colouring, cutting, holding cutlery and tying shoelaces.
  • Gross motor skills – using large muscles and movement of the whole body that are needed for playground games, sports, balance, coordination, posture, strength and endurance.
  • Sensory processing – involves the way children receive, interpret and behave to senses. Children can often be under or over-reactive to emotions, sound, movement, vision, taste, touch, smell and pressure.
  • Visual perception and visual motor integration skills – processing visual information and matching that with the appropriate motor actions, e.g. completing a puzzle or copying handwriting.
  • Self-awareness and body awareness– understanding where our bodies are in space and how our bodies move e.g. how close to stand next to someone or how far to reach for an object.


There are a number of signs which could indicate your child may benefit from seeing a Paediatric Occupational therapist. These include:

  • Messy or poorly constructed handwriting
  • Difficulties colouring, cutting, holding cutlery
  • Becoming easily overwhelmed in situations
  • Behavioural difficulties or concerns in environments
  • Struggles copying from a blackboard or completing puzzles
  • Problems with dressing, toileting, brushing teeth or other daily tasks
  • Struggles with attention, concentration or following directions
  • Difficulty with sitting at a desk or table, fidgeting or excessive movement
  • Clumsiness, struggles to participate in playground games or sports
  • Withdrawn from social situations and making friends
  • Reduced confidence, anxiety or avoidance of activities

Early Intervention

What is early intervention and what are the benefits of early intervention?

Childhood is a time of rapid growth and change, when the body, brain and nervous system are very responsive to their environment. Early intervention taps into this responsiveness (sometimes called ‘plasticity’) to encourage healthy growth and the formation of good pathways for learning, behaviour, and emotional and social development.

Evidence suggests that intervention is most likely to be effective when it starts early, because pathways in the nervous system are most adaptable then.

Some benefits of early childhood intervention include:

  • optimising the chances of healthy physical development 
  • improved social and emotional outcomes
  • increased confidence, self-esteem and resilience
  • optimising learning and academic achievement
  • improved ability to participate in family and community life
  • fostering positive behaviour.
  • Our early intervention services

At The Best Team experienced, qualified professionals provide early intervention to support children in achieving optimal developmental outcomes.  Our therapists will tailor a family-centred, evidence-based plan to suit your child’s needs. We also work with a child’s family and caregivers, so they can best support the child too.